Big photo upload!

I finally had some time to clean my photo pile and get some of that organized. I downloaded Picasa from Google — and I’ll be if that ain’t the best little utility ever for organizing and creating photo albums (once you find the time).

The scary part, though, was Picasa found everything — and I mean everything. So some editing had to take place! 🙂

I organized a bunch of stuff including the full set of photos for my recent Paris trip. Here they are:

Full Paris Compilation:

Misc albums that amused me:

My cats are unimpressed

I, however, was highly amused.

Time for cat baths! The boys keep themselves pretty clean, but a few times a year they need some extra help. It also serves as their flea dip and in Wintertime I do notice they get dandruff — so of all things I crack an egg over them and smear it around after the shampoo and rinse real good — I swear by it. Super soft and cuddly they are now!

Usually they are pretty well behaved, but this time Sam threw a fit — he was just not in the mood and wasn’t having it if he had anything to do with it. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t, and in the tub he went…

Fred, on the other hand, was a champ this time — it took me perhaps 5 minutes and I was done. I turned to get the towel–quickly–and there he was just standing there, in the water.

So I expect them to give me attitude all night, and then back to normal in the morning — when the food dish is empty! 🙂

Cat fights and uninvited guests

This morning I’m slowly wakin’ up, sippin’ my coffee. Nice Saturday morning — not much scheduled.

So nature calls for me to take my regular-like-an-alarm-clock morning ritual. I go to the bathroom, swing the door shut and hear it not latch totally — big deal, it’s just me. I sit down on my throne and prepare to do battle. I make note to buy more TP as I’m nearly at emergency levels — I’m down to the last roll. I hear the door creak open. In comes Mr. Samuel. Not that this is odd, he visits me many times in the morning ritual usually and promptly leaves. However what he does this morning is pretty damn funny. He directly, without hesitation, goes and smashes himself into the basket I use to store extra toliet paper (gotta have backup ready, you know) sits up all pretty, and just stares at me, looking so proud of his accomplishment. I get the giggles, and I go into “toot-toot-toot” mode on the can. Which leads to more laughter and I can’t stop and my gut hurts so bad. Maybe it’s just me, I thought this was so funny! Sam sat there so proud and beaming, like this was his major accomplishment for the day.

Anyways, he sat there long enough for me to finish, get the camera, and take a shot.

Then while I’m composing this blog entry, apparently Sam was not satisfied with the ridicule, er, attention I gave him in the bathroom. So he decides to pick a fight with Fred. Again, my cats are just something. I feel kinda bad as they are getting used to such a smaller space compared to the house. It was still funny, though.

Watch video of cat fight in my messy apartment!

Comfy, are we?

This is my cat Sam. Obviously he’s very comfy in my seat, oblivious that he shall soo be ousted. He thinks it’s his seat. Oh, how wrong he is…