My pretty, glowing liver
My HIDA scan…radioactive stuff injected while you glow for the scanner to check gall bladder function. That’s bile going from my liver into the intestines. But my gall bladder is apparently in stealth mode…
We won!
Not at chicken poop bingo, but at the general raffle. How ’bout that!?!
Chicken poop bingo
Seriously. At a bar in Albuquerque. Wherever the chicken poops over
the numbers, depending on the numbers you drew, perhaps nets you a
Very Large Array
Out in the middle of nowhere.
It’s cloudy today and it’s actually chilly with the wind. ABQ is next!
Carlsbad Caverns
Carlsbad Caverns has Seattle weather…always 57 degrees and damp!
The caverns are quite impressive. Thank god for the elevator,
though…it’s 800 feet down.
On the road to Roswell next!
Greetings from flight level 330
Greetings from flight level 330
Over Idaho on the way to DFW enjoying WiFi Internet on my laptop from
33,000 feet..first time I’ve had the opportunity. I know this has
been around for a while now, but I’m old and it still gives me a big
WOW factor that I can browse the net from 33,000 feet while traveling
at mach 0.80 on a tiny little netbook at connection speeds I would
have sold my soul to have 10 years ago.
It’s really cool.
787 video from previous post
Sorry it’s so weird and vertical — I only had my iPhone with me.
Lunch time treat! 787 on approach
Lunch time treat! 787 on approach
I was able to get off work early as I did server maintenance this
weekend and then today had to drop off some recycling in SODO….and
look what graced my late lunch! A 787!
Update!! Two of them in a row! I got a video of the second one and
will post later, because, well, like any good airplane dork would do,
of course 🙂