Lunch time treat! 787 on approach

Lunch time treat! 787 on approach

I was able to get off work early as I did server maintenance this
weekend and then today had to drop off some recycling in SODO….and
look what graced my late lunch! A 787!

Update!! Two of them in a row! I got a video of the second one and
will post later, because, well, like any good airplane dork would do,
of course 🙂

Merry Christmas to us!!

Merry Christmas to us!!

I’m not normally such a brand name queen, but people rave about their
Le Creuset cookware. It’s damn pricey though.

But what should magically appear in the clearance rack at City
Kitchens?! Behold! For the enamel not taking hold to one of the
handles we got “Grand Pierre” for 50% off!!

Now, what to cook in him first??! So many things….

Snowmygod! Theatre…on our street

This is our street — right at our block!  What a wild night.  And cold — love it!

I especially like the big bus sledding down the hill around 3:00 — and that it takes out the bus stop sign. (And even funnier is that stop is scheduled for removal, bahahaha!)

Cool things in old books

Cool things in old books

Recently I’ve been on a mission to find old books I remember reading
as a kid. I found this one "New York to Rome: Jet Flight 808" with an merchant in used condition (of course since it was
published in the 60’s!) for 4-5 bucks. Winner! So I grabbed it. I
must have checked-out this book in middle school at least a hundred
times. It’s a very glamorous, technical look at a TWA 707 flying
across the Atlantic. It was old even when I was in school…but the
dreamer in me didn’t care.

Anyways I finally got the thing in the mail. I opened it up and was
thrilled to find a signed little card typed-up from TWA public
relations wishing someone happy holidays. This book was originally a
gift (from the card it indicates an advance copy to boot!) from the
now long gone Trans World Airlines.

What a cool little find!