First of all, we won! We won! We Won!
“in-your-face-Republicans!” celebratory remarks aside, fellow Dems, I gotta say we’ve got work to do and cautions to partake. You do realize that the Evil Empire now has someone to really blame, right? No, we didn’t do it. Our party is not the one to lead a disaster in Iraq and screw around with every last intern, page and others wives out there. Our country is not safe, and those pesky terrorists have a way of seclusion and laying in wait. Something is brewing in those tormented minds. I wish nothing this bad, but timing is everything. We must not squander. We must find a way, but not with complete spinelessness.
But politiks is politiks…and Bushies are masters at spinning their venom into cotton candy. Two more years, hell, 2 months can do a lot of political damage. Dems, you listening? Good. Cause you have more work to do now than if you were still the minority. You have to politic your brains out, stay sterile, follow the centrist line, nudge a bit of progressive reform enough to prove your the big donkey asses you are, and stay off the meds (or on if so doctor prescribed) so that in 2008 we can really do some work.
Sorry for the tough love fellow central-lefties, but I needed to say this. Don’t f**k it up.