An amendment

The following house rules have been amended.  It’s a living document, much like the constitution.  Original post:  Who gets off the couch to get the next drink (or other)?

  1. The human with an animal on their lap trumps – the solo human gets the drinks
  2. If both humans have animals, the animal with the higher age trumps
  3. If both humans have animals, yet one animal has settled, and the other animal has not, the animal that has settled trumps
  4. If both humans have animals, yet one animal is under the covers, and the other is not, the animal under the covers trumps.  If both are under the covers, age trumps, then house seniority.
  5. If one human has multiple animals, this trumps
  6. If both humans have multiple animals, the one with the animal of the highest house seniority trumps

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